Healthy Baby at Home

SEMPQIC Healthy Baby at Home (HB@H) quality improvement project began in 2017.

HB@H serves as a process improvement project to increase home visiting participation for high-risk pregnant women and for babies cared for in an intensive care unit (NICU). These efforts use an evidence-based approach and support existing evidence- based strategies in a meaningful way, while acknowledging social determinants of health and the impacts of inequities in the healthcare delivery system.

The service model consists of providers partnering with Maternal Infant Health Programs (MIHP), and other home visiting agencies, to provide both direct referral and access to their client population for case finding efforts. The agencies are situation on-site to engage clients face-to-face during the referral process, with a mechanism to support communication around referrals being established. Referrals were encouraged for all discharges from the NICU. MIHP referral could occur in conjunction with a skilled nursing home referral. The communication process established referral and feedback processes with providers in the prenatal clinic. Case finding occurred while MIHP agencies were available within clinics to approach potential clients.